We’ve all heard the saying: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
Maybe your mom liked to remind you as you ran out the door each morning, or maybe it’s something you find yourself saying to your own kids.
The true validity of the phrase is under constant debate, especially with the rise of intermittent fasting. We think it’s fair to say that breakfast holds a special place in the meal circuit, especially when it’s done right!
So what is it about the first meal of the day that scores it so many brownie – err, pancake – points? And how can we make sure we’re getting the most out of what we eat for brekky?
Traditionally, one of the main reasons for eating breakfast after fasting all night (or “breaking the fast” – now you know where the word comes from) is to kick start your metabolism, so you can better process the foods you eat during the rest of the day. It helps to avoid the big spikes and dips in your glucose levels that can occur if you don’t eat until lunch.
Breakfast also helps prevent overeating when lunch does finally roll around…or the leftover catering hits the office kitchen.
But the real questions are, what makes for a good breakfast and can we turn up the dial to get even more from our favourite meal of the day? Here are a few thoughts:
Eat when you’re hungry(ish)
Some folks say a good rule of thumb is to eat within an hour of waking up. If you’re not much of a “breakfast person” or you’re just not that hungry in the wee hours, it’s not the end of the world to wait a bit either. Just don’t wait until it’s lunch and you’re starving, or you’ll end up making some not-so-healthy food choices. Instead, try to eat when you’re hungry-ish a bit later in the morning. Grab a piece of fruit and a handful of Wholesome Yogi to eat when you’re more settled in your day.
Avoid the donuts
As much as eating breakfast is helpful, eating food that’s high in sugar and carbs is not. It can lead to the same sugar spikes and crashes that come from avoiding breakfast completely. If sweet is your thing, try a piece of toast with nut butter and sliced banana, or a bowl of plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and C’mon Cinnamon. These both pack a protein punch to keep you feeling fuller longer, while giving your taste buds the sweetness it craves.
Let’s get sneaky
If you have kids, you know the ongoing struggle of feeding them their daily veg. One of the great things about breakfast is that it can be sweet or savoury, giving you double the opportunity to sneak in those extra greens or antioxidants. Try throwing some spinach into your smoothie or berries on your yogurt. Too easy? Try subbing-out raspberry jam for crushed fresh raspberries on your PB toast, or add roasted veg from last night’s dinner to the scrambled eggs. Voila!
Coffee before talkie
If this is your morning mantra, you’re definitely not alone. Take a moment to enjoy those first few sips of steaming coffee (or tea, or matcha…) and maybe write a quick journal entry or peruse your favourite news app. Almost all of these successful leaders prioritize time for breakfast, because creating space first thing in the morning can help you start the day more calm, focused and ready to take on the world!
Breakfast, lunches, meal prep…get back into the swing of things this fall. Start (or re-start) your Laid Back Snacks (formerly known as Naked Snacks) subscription and we’ll make sure a box of healthy, delicious snacks is on your doorstep every month or more. You choose the snacks and the timing, we do the rest.