balanced peaceful zen rocksIf this is your year to focus on wellness, then there’s an app for that. In fact, there are a number of health and wellness tools that can make your journey to wellness easier and more fun. Here are five we recommend.

1. Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle is a free app for iPhone and Android that helps you track nightly sleeping patterns so that you can feel well-rested. It uses sound and movement analysis to create a graph of your natural sleep cycles, and it also includes information such as how long it takes to fall asleep, whether you snore and how long you spent asleep.

2. Daily Yoga

girl doing yoga

Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned yogi, Daily Yoga, can help take your yoga practice to a new level. It features guided practices in both video and audio-only format, and also has a directory of pose breakdowns. The community feature is great for motivating users and keeping them accountable. This app is available for both Android and iPhone users, and there are free and paid versions.

3. Daylio

When it comes to overall wellness, taking care of your mental health is just as important staying on top of your physical health. Daylio helps you set up a plan for self-improvement and better mental health. My Possible Self lets you track your moods through journaling and a calendar so that you can gain insight into what influences your emotional state.

4. MyFitnessPal

A yoghurt bowl with raspberries, blackberries, mangoes, coconut, blueberries and almonds surrounded by fruit

MyFitnessPal is a free exercise and food diary app for Apple and Android that can be upgraded with a paid membership. It allows you to set goals for calorie intake, exercise, weight loss and water intake, and you can even input your own recipes and track macros which could help you reach your fitness goals sooner.

5. Sworkit

Sworkit is one of the best workout apps for 2020. It contains a huge library of strength training, cardio, flexibility and endurance routines, so there’s something for everyone. You can also pick an area of the body to focus on, and a relevant workout will populate for you. Sworkit also connects to your phone’s health app to help you track your progress more easily.

Get Healthy For the New Year!

If holistic wellness is your goal for 2020, use the five apps above to help you
kick-start your journey.