two people walking together and snowshoeingThe days are getting busier, the mercury is dropping and tempting treats are everywhere. It’s officially the holidays and with it comes the annual struggle to stay motivated and continue hitting the gym. But what if you could actually spend less time working out this holiday and still stay on track with your health goals?

Movement108 founder Aaron De Jong believes in moving with balance, strength and knowledge so you can do exactly that – and spend more time doing what inspires you. We enlisted Aaron to give you a few pointers for staying motivated through the holidays and getting more from your workout any time of year.

1. Take advantage of the natural boost

Cortisol (in the right amounts) is like a free natural energy boost and it spikes when you wake in the morning. Take advantage of this natural body boost by making exercise the first goal of the day before everything else takes over. Waking up in the dark may be a struggle, but the result will be worth it.

2. Sweat the small stuff

Even small changes to your workout make a big impact. A simple warm-up is easily forgotten but preps the body for more effective activity the same way a cup of coffee wakes you up in the morning. Lightly do the motions you’re about to do then cool down with similar ranges of motion through stretching to help you get back to the resting and rebuilding state. Your body will thank you for the ‘cup of joe.’

girl stretching

3. Give yourself a reason to keep moving

Want to run a 10k in three months? Do 10 push-ups in a row? Never underestimate the power of a goal, particularly at one and three months. They don’t have to be hard, but they need to be measurable so you can feel a sense of accomplishment when you reach them. Go on, you’ve got this!

people running a 10k marathon race

4. Frequency is your friend

Get ahead by doing moderate exercise four times a week. It’s more effective than working your butt off twice a week, plus it’s easier to fit it into your schedule. There are some workouts that only require 10 minutes of kettlebell and you’re done! That’s less time than your local coffee line.

5. Working for the weekend

The real secret to staying motivated is doing what you enjoy. Figure out what activities you love to do on the weekend and make sure your exercise is building towards that. It will be a lot easier to motivate yourself if it means another run on the powdery slopes or hiking to a beautiful view.

guy hiking and looking over a lake

6. Focus on the time you do have

Don’t stress! Even thirty minutes is plenty of time to get a workout in. Just do what you can with the time you have and make the seconds count. If you’re not sure where to start, the new Movr app from Movement108 will help get you moving when you’re stuck for ideas or can’t get to the studio. Look for it January 2017.

working out with kettlebells

7. Do what the kids do

Wish you could go back to having boundless energy and afternoon naps? You can – and should! Listening to the desires you had when you were five years old will actually help keep your energy levels up as an adult. Eat what feels good, sleep a lot and run around whenever you can. Just let go and have a great time!

8. Feed your body

Moving around is really good but it can be all for nothing if you’re not feeding your body properly. Time to get snacking! Snacking before and after a workout aids recovery, just make sure to check the label and keep an eye out for pesky added sugars. You want something natural and high in nutrient density – give our Hearty Tamari a go. They’re full of greatness from top to bottom, including antioxidants, fibre and vitamin B.


9. Redefine ‘rest’

Rest doesn’t have to be sedentary. Take a mental break. Do activities that fulfill you and give you energy instead of sucking it from you. If you’re indecisive, choose something that doesn’t require decisions. Go ahead and play!

people playing hockey

Ultimately, getting more from your workout is less about the workout and more about the day-to-day. You don’t need to spend hours at the gym, just get moving in between holiday parties! Do what you enjoy, give yourself time to rest and dig into those wholesome snacks.

Find Aaron at Movement108, an intimate fitness studio in the heart of Vancouver, BC where they’ll get you feeling strong, relaxed and inspired through a balanced approach to exercise.

Join one of Aaron’s classes or check out the Movr app when it launches in the new year.

Looking for new post-workout snacks? Our 30 wholesome treats will be sure to get you drooling.