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Hearty Tamari

Hearty Tamari

Hearty Tamari is one of our most popular savoury snacks. This is a fantastic healthy alternative to those no-good potato chips. Instead of empty calories, Hearty Tamari will leave you feeling happy and satiated. Sesame sticks and spicy pretzels mix with almonds and cashews, all lovingly slow-roasted in delicious tamari. This exotic taste from Japan confirms what we already knew - for good times, make them Tamari times.

Nutritionally Balanced
High Protein

Dry roasted almonds, dry roasted cashews, sugars (pretzel sticks (enriched wheat flour, salt, corn syrup, yeast)), oat bran sesame sticks (enriched wheat flour, soybean oil, sesame seeds, oat bran, bulgur wheat, salt, beet powder, turmeric), Tamari sauce (soybeans, wheat, sea salt), canola oil, powders of garlic and onion, spices.

Amandes grillées à sec, noix de cajou grillées à sec, sucres (bâtons de bretzel (farine de blé enrichie, sel, sirop de maïs, levure)), bâtonnets de son d'avoine et de sésame (farine de blé enrichie, huile de soja, graines de sésame, son d'avoine, boulgour, sel, betterave). poudre, curcuma), sauce Tamari (soja, blé, sel marin), huile de canola, poudres d'ail et d'oignon, épices.

% Daily Value*

% valeur quotidienne*

Calories / Calories 150
Fats / Lipides 10 g 14 %
Saturated / satures 2 g 1 g 6 %
+ Trans / trans 0 g
Carbohydrate / Glucides 11 g
Fibre / Fibres 2 g 7 %
Sugars / Sucres 1 g 1 %
Cholesterol / Cholesterol 0 mg 0 %
Sodium / Sodium 250 mg 11 %
Protein / Proteines 5 g
Calcium / Calcium 50 mg 4 %
Iron / Fer 3.5 mg 19 %
Potassium 100 mg 2 %

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