Photo By Gayle Mcleod

Finally, spring! With long awaited anticipation, days are getting longer, birds are chirping and flowers will soon be blooming. 

At the start of this season, you might feel excited (obligated?) to spruce up your space with an (overdue?) spring clean! Ease into your chore chart by tackling these easy breezy (dare we say ‘fun’) spots to clean first. 

Here’s our top three recommendations to get you started on a successful spring deep clean:

1) The pantry

Photo by Mega Stolberg on Unsplash

The pantry is a great place to start. *Cue the happy Spotify tunes.

1. First, you have to declutter

Start by taking everything out and wipe down the shelves and containers. 

⭐ Hot tip ​​🧼

Add a touch of pure castile soap and olive oil to hot water. Cleaning your shelves with this mix will prevent dust from building up in the future. You can also add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the mixture, if you’re into that.

2. Check, check, check

Check expiration dates. Purge nearly empty bags lingering in the back. Assess whether you (or your kids) are still loving the club size box of crackers you bought in January. Donate what you can, compost any foods past due and recycle packaging whenever possible.

3. Make it visible

We eat with our eyes, so why not organize with clear or stackable containers. Grab some containers from the dollar store or go thrifting to find a mix of glass jars to use. Label them for easy refill and for that *extra* pinterest-y aesthetic. 

4. Fill the pantry

Be good to yourself by loading up on healthy snacks that you can now actually find in your ‘oh so organized’ (dang!) pantry. Organized and accessible snacks at home are an easy way to stay fueled on busy days or before running off to your next errand.

Now, treat yourself for a job done with Sriracha Cashews since you’re clearly on fire 🔥 with these cleaning skills! Ready for step number two? (we know you are!)

The car

Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

When was the last time you deep cleaned your car? (don’t answer that.)

1. Take everything out of the car

Mats, tissues, car seats, reusable grocery bags and anything that didn’t come with the car when you boMats, car seats, jackets, coffee cups, reusable grocery bags, basically if it didn’t come with the car, take it out. Toss what you can in the laundry, remove any debris from the mats and feel pleased with yourself for finding your missing gloves.

2. Clear the crumbs

Eating on the go, spills, rainy day drive-thru aftermath, it all piles up. If you have kids, you definitely know. Get out the vacuum or use one at your local gas station and clear out the crumbs. Spills and odours? We have a solution! Sprinkle the car’s upholstery and carpet with baking soda, then vacuum to help with odours while cleaning up.  

3. Wipe it

Get out your favourite cleaner and wipe everything down,especially the drink holders (you never notice how grimy these get until you start cleaning them!) and don’t forget the steering wheel.

Once everything is clean, you can start carefully loading things back in.

⭐ Hot tip 🧺

A seasonal bin in the trunk can be really helpful to keep everything organized. Clear out the winter bin and fill it up with spring essentials! Spare rainboots, an umbrella, soccer ball and of course, snacks. 

Want to try something new in your car snack stash? How about going for Spicy Joe. Crowd pleasers like Tuscan Road Trip and Wholesome Yogi store great in the car. After a day of drop drop off’s and pick up’s, you’ll be grateful for a bin full of spare supplies.

The Office

Photo by Georgie Cobbs on Unsplash

So desk is a space where paperwork and coffee mugs have permanently relocated? Clean it up (buttercup!).

1. Organize

Empty the drawers, sort out loose papers, shred, recycle or donate any stationary and items taking up unnecessary real estate. Wipe down fingerprints in your laptop screen. Optional: If you have enough light, buy a potted plant to welcome in the new spring season. 

2. Check the snack status

Fill your desk with healthy and energizing snacks to get you through an afternoon slump like 3pm Goji with chocolate espresso beans or a spicy kick with Mexican Remix. Nut free options are great to store in a communal workspace, Honeybee Chicks are slow roasted chickpeas drizzled in honey, that’ll be sure to keep you buzzing!

⭐ Hot tip 🗄️

Stash a few bonus bags of snacks inside your desk to share with your colleagues on an extra long day. You’ll be the MVP of break time.

Hello Superstar

Job well done! Now that you have a ‘spring’ in your step from tackling these three spots….you can move onto cleaning out your fridge… or freezer… or dare we say closet (gasp!). The key is to tackle and finish one project at a time 😌. We know you can do it. 

Remember there’s no rush to have everything done the moment spring begins. Enjoy the changing season!